100 Ministries Beyond Sunday

St. George’s mission and ministry happens every day, for everyone, often well beyond the walls of our parish and Sunday worship. All are welcome to take part in serving Jesus with us.

For more information on all that we do at St. George’s, please fill out the form below:

100 Ministries Beyond Sunday

I would like someone to talk with me about Community Outreach (Outreach Grants, Hands-On Ministry, Stuff a Truck, St. Mark's Keansburg, Ridge Road Run)
I would like someone to talk with me about Youth Ministry (Youth Groups, Girls' Friendly Society, leading Church School, Confirmation, Solemn Communion, serving in the nursery, Family Service Projects, the annual Summer Mission Trip)
I would like someone to talk with me about Music Ministries (Choir, Carillon)
I would like someone to talk with me about leading in Worship (Altar Guild, Ushers, Acolytes, Vergers, Lay Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors)
I would like someone to talk with me about ministry for adults (bringing Communion to homebound members, adult education and formation, Bible studies)
I would like someone to talk with me about being a leader in the parish (serving on Vestry, serving on the Buildings and Grounds Committee, Security, the Canterbury Fair, Canterbury Christmas, Hospitality, Marketing)
I would like someone to talk with me about Parish Financial Ministries (serving as Treasurer, being a Collection Counter, Stewardship, Parish Fundraising, Internal Audit)