12 events found.
Welcome to the online home of our parish! It is our prayer that you will find St. George's to be a place of hospitality, of spiritual growth, and especially of God's presence.
This website will provide you with a glimpse into our parish life. Take a look around! If you are in any way seeking to know and be known by a loving God and serve your neighbors, there is a place for you here.
The Rev. Jeffrey Roy, Rector
Saturdays -
5:00 PM: "Come As You Are" Worship Service in the Nave (Main Church)
Sundays -
8:00 am: Rite 1 Worship Service with Holy Eucharist in the Chantry (Smaller altar, south side of church)
10:00 am: Rite 2 Worship Service with Holy Eucharist and Full Choir in the Nave (Main Church)
Wednesdays -
12:00 Noon Rite 2: Worship with Holy Eucharist and Healing Prayers in the Chantry (Smaller altar, south side of church)
In addition to these regular services, we have a Pet Friendly worship service at 5:00pm on the second Saturday of the month, September – May.
Get in touch with us! Click the button below to contact us.
Through your contributions, we’re able to share the message of our faith to our congregation and the larger community, giving people the strength and compassion needed to make it through difficult times such as these. Our eGiving service, Vanco, provides tools to make giving simple even when you’re unable to attend church. Their eGiving is safe and secure.
We hope you will continue to support us even though we’ve moved our ministry online. Thank you again for supporting St. George's by the River and the community we’ve all worked so hard to nurture.
The success of our 2025 Stewardship Campaign enables our Church to confidently fulfill our commitment to offering all that is necessary to maintain our Church and offer services celebrating Christ's calling for us and to support our various ministries. We are so grateful for your consideration and support of the Vestry and the Clergy as we begin our 2025 planning. Thank you for your generosity and commitment to St. George’s by-the-River!