2024 Christmas Flower Dedications
Christmas Flowers are given to the Glory of God and In Loving Memory of:
Roger, Chip, Amy, Anne by Marjorie Abson
Thomas E. Kenney, Joseph Amato, Jr. and Sr., Joseph T. Slavin, by Kathleen and Sal Amato
Peter James McQuade, aka Pop-Pop by the Barrett family
Mary Jane & Henry Barron by their loving family
Loved ones by Sally Bonello
Our dear parents, Ernest F. and Florence J. Beattie by Alison Horsman, Leigh Siebert & Sandra Hand
John P. Bozzone and Harry L. Booth by their family
Bartholomew F. Brenner III, by Bart and Donna Brenner
Joseph D. Conway, Mary Ellen Conway, William H. Wallace by Katherine, Colin, James & Caroline Conway
Frank Wilde, Charles Delahunt, Victoria Delahunt by Timothy Delahunt
Nancy Dickson by David Dickson
Our grandparents by Laura and David DiPietro
Michael Gregg Dougherty by the Dougherty family
George Hamilton Flinn by Genie Flinn
Maggie Herzing by the Gearon family
Bob Geiss and Wayne Crosby by the Geiss family
Lizzie Gilmour by David, Lisa, Tyler, Sarah & Sawyer
Lizzie Gilmour by Patti & Tom Gilmour
John Glova, Jr. by Susan Glova
My dear friend Barbara H. Miltenberger by Sandra Hand
Michael J. Heinlein, Jr. by Stephan A. Heinlein
My Godmother Barbara L. Mercer by Alison Horsman
Treasured friends, Daphne Craven Reese & Priscilla LaMotte Dugdale by Daren & Jim Hutchinson
Joyce Ayotte; Ralph & Claire Johnson; Donald & Eva Neumann; George &
Margaret Pease; Benjamin R. Molnar by Wayne & Mary Johnson
William, Virginia, Robert, William, Eleanor, Andy, Arthur by Stephanie Hurtt
Mary & Dick Cook by Mary & Jeff Kelly, children & great grandchildren
Nancy Cook Peacock by Mary & Jeff Kelly, children & great grandchildren
Dave Memmott by the Lilley family
Michael and Janet Mauro by Brian Mauro
Lisa Byrne, Joe, Dottie & Tricia McCabe, by Judy and Barry McCabe
David Monier by Debbie and family
John, Jennifer & Carol Newsome by Doug, and your grandchildren
Sam Nowell by his family
Dr. Charles R. Perrine by his family
Edward Pitts by his family
Joan Pra Sisto by her friends at CAYA
Ruth & Carl Preston; Florence & John McClear and Carl Preston, Jr. by Bruce & Florence Preston
Judge Thomas L. Yaccarino, & Judge Clarkson S. Fisher by Ron Reisner & Chryssa Yaccarino
Vito & Ann Gandolfo and Jack Rogers by Joel & Carole Rogers
Bud Bunnell by Peeka and Art Tildesley
Samuel Van Leet and the Klein family by Glenn Van Leet
Our dear friend Kem Edwards by Jane Whitman
Reg Whitman, our dearest husband and father by Janet Whitman and Kate Appezzato
Elsa & Robert Winters, Albert & Madeleine Cassan, and our Joan by Bob Winters and family
In Thanksgiving for Brian, Cynthia, Evan, Chris, Cate, Tom, Brooke, Cameron, Melanie by Marjorie Abson
Our families, friends, and St. George’s by the River Church by Kathleen Kenney and Salvatore Amato
The Britton family
Our children & grandchildren by Mary and Charles Embrey
Family, friends & faith by the Gearon family
Sawyer by the Gilmour family
Our children, David, Jennifer and Steven by Michael & Sandra Hand
Kathryn Heinlein, who led me to Jesus! by Stephan A. Heinlein
The St. George’s Choir (God’s singers) by Stephan A. Heinlein
St. George’s Church (what a beautiful place) by Steph and the CAYA crew
Our grandson Elliot H. Segall by Alison & Bob Horsman
My sisters Leigh B. Siebert and Sandra B. Hand by Alison Horsman
Our first grandchild, Ellis Lloyd Erdman by Grandad & MeMe
Jennifer, Thomas, Virginia, Olivia, Amelia, Callen, Gretchen, Liam and Gibson by Mimi
Our family, past and present by Trudy & Charlie Parton
Our children, grandchildren & great grandchildren – 28 strong! by Maggie & Doug Raynor
Bobbie Sweeney by Joel & Carole Rogers